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Elliptical Bridge Rail

Product Features

Elliptisafe® is an elliptical bridge rail used on bridges and highways nationwide. Elliptisafe® is GSI’s elliptical bridge rail manufactured by Tex-Tube Elliptical Tube. We supply fabricators with raw tubes and splices or can produce the final product per job specifications.

While bridge railings make up only 2 to 5 percent of a bridge’s total cost, their value to the public is immeasurable. No matter how impressive the bridge design, the right railing can significantly influence public perception and acceptance. This is why many bridge engineers nationwide are choosing elliptical bridge rails.

With over 80 years of proven highway performance, elliptical bridge railing remains a top choice for modern bridges. States like Texas, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Maryland are currently using elliptical tubing in NCHRP MASH Test Levels 3 (TL3), 4 (TL4), and 5 (TL5) bridge rail applications. While elliptical railings offer many advantages, their primary appeal lies in their open, aesthetically pleasing design that looks great on any bridge.

GSI Highway Elliptical Products Category Image of a bridge rail with school bus in background
  • Material: API 5L GRADE X52 PSL2 TYPE E
  • Dimensions: 4-7/8” x 8” x .188” (various lengths)
  • Weight: 12.94 lbs./ft
  • Radii: to 16′
  • Yield Strength: 52,000 psi min
  • Tensile Strength: 66,000 psi min
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